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Always, Keeping Anchors Away!

calendar_monthJanuary 11, 2023

Always, Keeping Anchors Away!

One of the most precious treasures of Egypt lies beneath the Red Sea!

HEPCA's mooring team in cooperation with Red Sea Protected Areas had visited one of the most southerly of Egypt's Red Sea dive destinations, Saint John Reef System, which includes:

  • Gota Kebira – a big round reef,
  • Gota Soraya – a small round reef,
  • Habili Ali – a reef that starts at 5 m depth,
  • Habili Gaafar – at the heart of St. John’s reef system
  • Um Elruk
  • Abu Ishara,
  • Um Khararim – a reef with a long cave system.

The visit included maintenance and re-installation of 24 mooring buoys and 36 pins, although it was too windy for diving as wave heights were up to 2.5 metres (8 ft)



To report any anchoring/coral damage

Please contact us on:

Phone: 065 3445035

WhatsApp: +20 1016006640

Email: [email protected]

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