
Be a responsible traveller

At HEPCA, our mission is to help the environment and protect the marine life of the Red Sea. We want to make sure that travellers are aware of the importance of conservation and that they act responsibly when visiting.

Be a safe-reef traveller

We work to ensure that our reefs are protected. That's why we ask all travellers to abide by our coral reefs guidelines, and respect fishing banning times, avoid throwing fishing lines and avoid use of plastic.

Respect marine animals and their wild spaces

We believe that all marine animals should be respected, and their wild spaces should be protected. That's why we ask all travellers to be mindful when visiting and to avoid disturbing or harassing any wildlife they encounter. That's why we ask all travellers to abide by our coral reefs guidelines, such as respecting fishing banning times and avoiding use of plastic.

Volunteer your time

At HEPCA, we rely on volunteers to keep Red Sea clean. If you're passionate about protecting the environment, why not volunteer some of your time? You'll get to make an impact on conservation efforts while learning more about marine life in the Red Sea.