

Environmental Curriculum


Knowledge about our environment, on both a local and global scale, will ensure the correct management of our natural resources. Transferring knowledge about our local environment to our children is a vital step towards protecting and conserving precious habitats both on land and at sea. Without knowledge and understanding there is no comprehension or respect and the future of the Red Sea could fall victim to human interference or indifference.

There is a fundamental balance to be found within the Red Sea region; between the growth of the economy and development of international commerce, against long-term actions that ensure the sustainability of valuable habitats and connected flora and fauna. With knowledge about the natural eco-systems areas of the highest ecological interest can be identified, facilitating informed action that supports development whilst remaining considerate to potential negative impacts to the environment.

The aim of school environmental curriculums is to provide awareness through knowledge and understanding of the linked themes that embody the structure of the Red Sea region. Topics focus on distinctive geographical, biological and ecological characteristics of the area, and encourage learners to investigate anthropic impacts.

The curriculum is separated into six areas of study:

  • Biodiversity

  • Solid Waste & Recycling

  • Energy

  • Water

  • Pollution & Climate Change

  • Sustainable Futures


Each topic is supported by a range of resources and practical activities; promoting dialogic interaction and experience to encourage independent thought and comprehension. The curriculum assembles clear parameters, rules and suggestions for pupils within each task; and provides stimulating resources to encourage cognitive development.

At specified points throughout the curriculum, suggestions are made for possible field trips for consideration. Although the trips are not compulsory, the purpose of this level of engagement is to allow pupils to translate their new knowledge in practical terms, i.e. after learning about the meaning of biodiversity and exploring different ecosystems under the water, a snorkelling trip - supported by experts and scientists - will allow them to witness first-hand how food the web works.

Engaging our youth in knowledge about their environment is the only way that we can ensure sustainability and economic profitability for generations to come.